Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fripp Island & Crafting with the Stars

Hi, everyone!  I didn't get a lot of crafting done this weekend because I attended a wedding on Fripp Island.  I had never been to the island before, and now I can't wait to go back!  I took lots of pictures while I was there, and I thought I'd share a few with you. 
The beach is way more peaceful than any beach I have ever been to before!

One of the coolest things about the island is the fact that there are deer everywhere, and they're tame!  We found this old fellow while we were riding in the golf cart, and my husband fed him crackers.

On the way to and from the island, we passed where the shrimp boat scenes were filmed for the movie Forrest Gump!  I made my husband stop on the side of the road so I could snap some pictures!  (The Vietnam scenes were filmed around the island too.)
The weekend didn't last long enough, though, and this afternoon, I had to return to reality. :(

But when I got back to reality, I stumbled upon Sew Dang Cute and Crafting with the Stars, and I got super excited!  I had heard about the competition before, but never realized that I could "audition" for it.  If you've never heard of it before, this is what Sew Dang Cute has to say about it: "Crafting with the Stars is the ultimate creative competition. 12 contestants are paired up with 12 blogland “stars” to duke it out in a 4-week themed competition, where you (the readers) vote for the winners."  I linked my LOVE Canvas Art project up.  There are a lot of people "auditioning," so my chances probably aren't that great, but it's always fun to try new things.  And even if I'm not chosen as a contestant for this season, I will definitely be following the competition closely!  But keep your fingers crossed for me because I'm sure the competition could use a little Pitter and Glink! ;)


  1. You go girl! I'll vote for you!
    Beautiful pictures!

  2. This is so true! My parents were at Fripp Island a couple of months ago and were amazed at how tame the deer were.


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