Thursday, June 25, 2015

Domed & Embossed Metal Rose Earrings

Hey, y'all!  Being a blogger is a unique type of "job." No, I'm not a full-time blogger, but I do consider blogging to be a job because it's a lot of work.  I have this little piece of the internet because I like to share my creativity with others in hopes that I'll inspire someone else to be creative too.  

It's like when you try a really great restaurant for the first time and you feel like it's your duty as a friend to tell your best friend all about the place so that she can enjoy it too--I share my creative projects because creating things gives me so much joy and I want others to experience that joy.  Unfortunately, sometimes with blogging--especially if you're a small blogger like myself--it's easy to fall into the trap of feeling like no one is listening.  

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Sizzix and asked to be part of their 2015 Design Team.  I was excited that Sizzix liked my work enough to want me to be a part of their team and excited about the possibility of sharing my creativity with more people.
Domed & Embossed Metal Rose Earrings
I happily accepted the position.  I'll still be blogging here at Pitter & Glink as I always do, but every month I'll be sharing a couple of projects on the Sizzix Blog.  Today I'm sharing these beautiful Domed Embossed Metal Earrings.  You can find the full tutorial on the Sizzix Blog.  

Before I end this post, I want to take a minute to say thank you to all of my loyal readers.  You are the reason why I haven't given up on blogging yet, the reason I keep working hard to come up with new projects and improve my photography.  And you are the reason why I have the confidence to share my creativity with more people on a bigger platform.  Thanks, y'all!  Hugs!


  1. WOO HOO!!! That is so exciting Bethany! You are so very talented and being on the Sizzix design team is very well deserved. Can't wait to see your projects. ~Kim


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